Replenishes Oil
The oil that binds asphalt together gets broken down by sun and rain over time, weakening the asphalt. Sealcoating puts it back in.
Protects against traffic wear
Sealcoating is an essential way to condition and protect your asphalt from the elements that can damage your parking lot’s surface.
Restores Asphalt Color
Your asphalt once again gets that rich black look, just like when the parking lot was brand new. It’s an impressive sight.
Protect your investment from the elements.
UV rays dry out asphalt binder and makes it weak, but sealant is the equivalent of parking lot sunscreen.
Seal coating helps prevent water damage to your asphalt parking lot by sealing off any existing cracks or fissures. This protects the base below the asphalt and ultimately extends the life of your lot.
Diamond Sealcoating
Protecting and strengthening your asphalt
Our team carefully applies sealant around the edge of the parking lot. This creates neat lines and prevents over-spraying when it comes to step 2.

1st coat
The Diamond team applies sealant directly from the sealing rig to your asphalt. They work from one side of theparking lot to the other.

2nd Coat
The 1st coat is allowed to cure, and then a second coat is applied. In most cases, once this layer cures, the parking lot is ready for striping.

Sealcoating 101
Three tips for getting it done right

Reapply every 2-3 years
Sealant shields your investment against the elements. At the same time, the sealant itself takes a beating from the elements. Keep an eye out for the white-grey aggregate showing through. Sealcoat every 2-3 years to keep asphalt strong and protected.

Get a reputable sealcoating company
Bottom dollar doesn't always mean the best deal. This is just common sense. In life, there are some things you can take a risk skimping on. The protective coat on a quarter million dollar parking lot is not one of them.

schedule ahead
Sealcoating works best if it's over 50 degrees. Don't try to squeak this essential project in right before winter. By then, sealcoating companies are up to their eyeballs in clients. Cutting in line is expensive, and winter is merciless to unprotected asphalt.

The Diamond Difference.
Save yourself the hassle of trying to find a service provider for yet another problem at one of your properties– make Diamond Solutions your one-stop resource for paving, parking lot maintenance, and concrete projects.

When choosing Diamond Solutions, you can expect...
A wealth of Services.
Because we handle everything from parking lot maintenance to commercial asphalt paving, we save you the trouble of shopping multiple providers to get problems fixed. Let us be your one-stop shop for all the property management solutions you need.
SErvices tailored to you.
Diamond Solutions doesn’t just offer cookie-cutter solutions; rather, we cater all of our services to you. We get to know you and your challenges so we can tailor cost-effective solutions to your needs.
Our talented professionals team.
We pride ourselves on a staff full of experience, character, and talent. Simply put, we only hire people we want to work with, who we can trust to get jobs done well. That means you can count on us for professional, conscientious service every time.

Choose Diamond Solutions...
…for a higher level of service from talented professionals, whether you’re looking for concrete removal, line-striping, or asphalt repairs.